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Company ProfileWe provide the best textile fabric since 2002

Member of Mewar Chamber of Commerce.
Member of Synthetic & Rayon Textile Export Promotion Council India.
Devgiri synthetic private limited is a leading manufacturer of suiting fabric. Promoter have 21 years of reach experience in suiting fabric. The company has been exporting fabric to variours countries. The company has also been collaborating with some Ally Garment manufacturing units since 2010.

Our Legacy

Our parent company M/S Devgiri fabrics, founded by two friends Mr. Devendra Bapna and Mr. Giriraj Asawa at a young age of 20 in the year 2000. By their innovative marketing ideals & constant hard work made the firm one of the leading textile company in the region with an excellent goodwill.

Directors & Promoters of the Company

Devendra  Bapna

Mr. Devendra Bapna

Devendra  Bapna

Mr. Giriraj Asawa

Devendra  Bapna

Komal Singh Bapna

Devendra  Bapna

Mr. Rajendra Asawa


To became a quality manufacturer and major producers in the textile industries. A firm that understands human requirements & works forwards balancing these requirements by producing best quality products, keeping in view the social, economical & environmental welfare.


To manufacture products that could put up a strong competition against international firms fulfilled the international standards. To keep be adaptable in term of technological advancements & new approaches.